The Lassen trip resulted in one CCD image - the area around Sadr, the "center" star of the northern cross. I knew before I started that this wouldn't be the finished product (are astro images ever truly "finished"?). You see I forgot the wheel with my narrowband filters at home. So I wasn't able to shoot any Ha (Hydrogen alpha) which would have really made these dust clouds pop. So I imaged with Luminance and Red, Blue, Green filters only. At least I have a head start on the color channels for the next dark moon cycle.
In a couple weeks I'll be on another multiday dark sky outing when I can really do this field some justice. Stay tuned!
Intermediate Image
Taken at Lassen National Park, CA August 17-19, 2012
QSI583, Canon EF 200mm f/2.8L
Luminance: 12x5min bin 1x1 @f/2.8 & 12x5min bin 1x1 @f/4 2hrs total
Red: 12x5min Green: 1 2x5min Blue: 12x5min all bin 2x2
Total exposure time 5hrs
AP900 Mount
calibration, registration and post-processed in PixInsight